Monday, February 16, 2009

Junky room

My dear, loving, kind husband (remember yesterday's post) stepped into the school room/study this evening and asked if I was happy with it. I switched the school room and dining room back in November and I am so GLAD I did! This room (the former dining room--now school room) is more open; it is right off the kitchen so it is more centrally located in the house; I think it's bigger than the old school room (now dining room).

But there was something in the way he asked that I knew he wasn't just checking on my satisfaction with the decision. So I asked him back if HE liked it. With slight hesitation, he replied that no, he didn't. He went on to tell me the room looks junky.

Junky????? Did he really say junky? It is our school room. I spend the majority of my at-home hours in this room; I've never noticed it being junky. I took a look a round. Okay, so we do have two hamster cages along one wall (with hamster shavings spilling out onto the floor). Next to the cages is my big oak desk which is covered in books and papers and files and the computer monitor and a cup of tea from earlier this morning; flag hanging off the top of it. Next to the desk is my oak file cabinet which has a stack of books, a stack of printer paper and the printer on it. Across the room is the guinea pig cage then a book shelf and the kids' curriculum cubby--which are both overflowing with books and things. In another corner is a small shelf with miscellaneous items on it and on the floor are two library baskets full of library books . Then in front of the window is the kids' work table which is covered in papers, markers, pencils, craft projects, a few DVD's that someone loaned to us, and the laptop. And next to that is a music stand and a violin setting on the floor.

Okay, so maybe it is a LITTLE junky. But, this is the room where we learn, where we enjoy our furry little critters, where we practice music. It's were we paint and cut and glue. This is the room where I grade, and communicate with friends, and work, and (yes) blog.

And I LOVE it!!

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