Saturday, April 11, 2009

Judas Iscariot (another Holy Week thought...)

How is it that someone could live so closely to Jesus the Christ for over three years--hearing every word He taught, seeing every miracle He performed, being with Him day in and day out--and still turn their back on Him?

Judas did.

But again, I see that we aren't that much different from the disciples.

Isn't it perfectly possible for someone to attend church every week, to memorize Scriptures, to be kind and good, to outwardly pray, to always seek to be fair, and still not belong to the Lord?

Yes, it is.

"Father, when you look in my heart today, I pray you don't see a Judas. I desire to follow you--not because of what it looks like or to impress others--but to follow you because it pleases you."

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