Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hematidrosis and an angel (more thoughts from Holy Week...)

Jesus was facing what He came to earth to do; He was just about to complete His mission, His purpose. But He didn't just plunge ahead without thinking. He said, "My soul is crushed with sorrow" at the thought of what lay ahead of Him. He asked the Father if there was any other way to save mankind from their sins. And then He accepted the Father's will saying "I want Your will, not Mine, to be done." He prayed this prayer three different times that night to His Father. He prayed so earnestly and with such a broken heart, that His sweat fell to the ground like drops of blood. when blood mixes with sweat and drips out one's sweat glands; it occurs "when a person is suffering extreme levels of stress, for example, facing his or her own death." It is often seen in soldiers facing battle or in criminals who are facing the death penalty (see Wikipedia article). When Luke described this in Luke 22:44, he was not simply drawing a word picture for us. Luke was a physician so it is fitting that he would make not of this rare medical condition that Jesus experienced.

Jesus really was suffering! The events that He was preparing Himself for would change the world. His pain was greater far than anything that we could ever imagine. What did He do? He prayed to the Father!! And what did God do? He sent an angel from Heaven to strengthen Christ.

Our Father in Heaven really does care! He is NOT a stoic God sitting there casting judgment. He wants to comfort us. He wants to strengthen us! HE LOVES US!

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