Thursday, March 5, 2009

Approaching the throne

As I continue my Lenten Scripture Readings, I came back to Hebrews 4 this evening. I LOVE the end of this chapter: " 16 So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most."

At lunchtime today, I was reading a story to the kids about a boy who went before the Emperor of Japan. Here was the protocol that had to be followed for approaching the royal throne: anyone who approaced had to do so on hands and knees, declaring themselves unworthy, and tapping their head on the floor as they approached. To not follow this protocol meant death to the violator.

And yet, this is completely the opposite of how we--Christ-followers--can approach the throne of God. We don't come with a spirit of unworthiness (although we truly are unworthy). No! We come with boldness! Boldness because Christ is our High Priest, because he "has passed through the heavens" (v. 14) And what do we find when we get there? We don't find a harsh, intimidating judge waiting for us at the throne. Instead, we find MERCY and GRACE!

Along time ago I learned the difference between mercy and grace; and it has always stuck with me. Mercy is "not receiving what I do deserve" (as in a punishment for my sins) and grace is "receiving that which I do not deserve" (forgiveness of my sins). And this is exactly what we find at God's throne when we boldly approach it. He is there to wipe away our sin record and to not give us the eternal punishment that we deserve for that sin. In addition, Hebrews 4:16 ends with a bonus phrase: "to help us when we need it most." It's not just grace that we receive at His throne...but grace when we need it most.

I'm so glad we have a high priest in Jesus; that he knows our trials and temptations because He experienced them himself. I'm glad we can have the confidence in what we believe because He "passed through the heavens." And finally, I'm so grateful that we do not have to approach His throne with fear and trembling; but instead, we can boldly come to His throne knowing that His mercy and grace are always there--especially when we need it most!

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