Friday, January 30, 2009

Geese--those migratory wonders

Yesterday I shared my love of snow. Today I want to share my awe of geese. Yes, geese.
I don't know why, but this year I have noticed the geese migrating more than in past years. In the past week or two, everytime we look up at the sky, we see lines of them. Maybe their flight patterns have shifted, I don't know. But there have been literally hundreds of them.

Have you ever really watched geese fly? It occurred to me a few days ago that geese flying is art in motion. It is really fun to watch their lines change shapes right before your eyes. And as I watch the geese, I am reminded again of God's creativity and love of beauty. He could have created them to just fly south as a means of survival. He could have created them to fly in a straight line on their journey. But He didn't. In His infinite wisdom, God created the geese to work together in an ever-changing flight pattern so that no one goose bears the load of being the "lead-goose" and tires itself out. The result is an incredible sight and so fun to watch if we just take the time to enjoy. I believe that nature is one of God's gifts to mankind. And if we look closely, we can see Him in everything that surrounds us.

But we HAVE to look closely--we must slow down and look. He's there all around us.

So, how 'bout it? Try it. Look the geese fly. Then, worship God for His creation!

1 comment:

  1. I never noticed that before...we haven't done "Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day" yet though! :)

    There have been a lot more geese than usual this year too.
